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3 min read
Value in Saving the Scottish Eurasian Red Squirrels
The Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), a native to the Palearctic region, is an iconic species in the UK, and specifically in Scotlan

2 min read
Endangered Wildlife OU and the Promise of the Biodiversity Credit Market
Endangered Wildlife OU has recently carried out indepth research on the emerging Biodiversity Credit market. The Company’s Biodiversity Valu

2 min read
The Hippo: From a Valuation Perspective
Companies and others need to value biodiversity. This is difficult, but we have the solution at Endangered Wildlife OÜ and can provide the u

2 min read
Culling wolves will cost not only the environment but also society and the economy
The Wolf cull in Switzerland: ignoring the value of wolves. Endangered Wildlife OÜ notes with dismay the start of a wolf cull in...

5 min read
The Just Value of Biodiversity
We know for a fact that there are 1m species at risk of extinction. We know for a fact that USD 44tn are at risk due to the impending biodiv

2 min read
30×30 – is this the solution?
For too long now, humanity has taken nature and biodiversity for granted. It is a natural resource that has been overexploited, but we are n

2 min read
Restoring our Legacy
Many environmentalists believe that the discipline of economics is an enemy to the environment. After all, they often argue, isn’t that what

3 min read
Value in Valuing Biodiversity
In November 2021, the IFRS announced the formation of the ISSB, which will be developing disclosure standards pertaining to climate change a

3 min read
Is the Human the Most Valuable Predator?
The apex predators intrigue and inspire humans. There is something within human psychology that makes people fascinated with both human and

2 min read
Is diligence due?
A process that is often bandied about nowadays is Due Diligence. But what exactly does this mean and when is this diligence actually due?

2 min read
Parallels between Humans and Biodiversity
The 2019 OECD report states that the annual global value of ecosystem services is estimated at USD 125-140 trillion. Viewed differently, thi

1 min read
More areas under Threat
Scientists have long known that the risk of extinction for animals and plants varied across the globe. Now new published evidence has found

3 min read
Unwanted but still Valuable
From Shana’s desk Every species has worth and importance in the global ecosystem and, whether we like it or not, this includes unpopular...

2 min read
The Silver Lining to a Very Dark Cloud
The UN’s latest Global Biodiversity Outlook, released this week, painted a grim picture. In delivering its verdict on the progress made by c

3 min read
ESG and Conservation
Let’s start with the fact that ESG represents the Environmental, Social and Governance guidelines that are subscribed to by a growing number

3 min read
Biodiversity as an Investment Product
At the core of Biodiversity Solutions International’s product is biodiversity – we determine the value of biodiversity and help to widen the

4 min read
Value to the Valueless
To conceptualise the problem Biodiversity Solutions International is tackling, it is necessary to consider the challenge that faces the worl
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