Calculate your environmental footprint and understand your impact
Accurately assess where you, your clients or your business is having a positive impact, and identify where possible improvement points could be. The criteria have been developed through the analysis of different assessment tools, and, through this, an efficient and easy-to-use SaaS product is now available online.
​The criteria identify the important impact aspects, with each criteria having multiple determinants, and so an accurate indication of your environmental impact can be determined. After completion, a calculated Heat Map is produced which can be printed if required.
The Environmental Footprint Calculator can also be used as a marketing analytics tool to better understand the needs of your clients and to drive behavioural change that enhances the impact of both your clients and company. The easy-to-produce heat map can add insight to sustainability reporting.
Workplace Personnel EFC
​The Personal Environmental Footprint Calculator addresses questions like: Do you volunteer for “clean up the environment” projects? Do you shower or bath? Do you use public transport? Do you buy locally produced products? Have you ever thought about these critical factors? It helps you to identify where your positive and negative impacts are, and helps you to be part of the solution and not the problem for the future of the world.
No. of criteria: 10
No. of determinants: 82
Developed by accredited ISO 14001 specialists.
The Workplace Personnel Environmental Footprint Calculator is designed as a low cost solution for companies to assess the environmental impact of its employees, to integrate these results into sustainability reporting, and to promote a positive environmental culture throughout the company.
No. of criteria: 12
No. of determinants: 95
Developed by accredited ISO 14001 specialists.
The Environmental Footprint Calculator for Tourism helps your tourism business to identify where its strengths and weaknesses are, and to help your tourism business to be a part of the future.
No. of criteria: 17
No. of determinants: 94
Developed by an accredited Environmental Auditor and Tourism specialist
The Environmental Footprint Calculator for Business helps your business to identify where its strengths and weaknesses are, and to place your business into the future.
No. of criteria: 14
No. of determinants: 75
Developed by an accredited Environmental Auditor

Unique Methodology
Universal and user friendly SaaS calculates environmental footprints.
Impact Heatmap
Detailed printable report with scores that identify improvement opportunities.
Meeting Needs
New sectors are continually added to meet your custom needs.