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What is Biodiversity Solutions International?

Biodiversity Solutions International (BSI) is the SaaS brand of Endangered Wildlife OÜ (registry code 14676379, address Juhkentali tn 8, 10132, Tallinn, Estonia). Endangered Wildlife OÜ (EW) is a next gen-AI SaaS and consulting company.


What is biodiversity value?

The biodiversity value is an independent statistical valuation of either an individual species or an ecosystem based on an umbrella species. The valuation consists of a combination of environmental and economic factors that cumulatively generate a total value for the species. It is a real but intangible market value created by the species or ecosystem.


What is the biodiversity impact value?

The biodiversity impact value is the change in biodiversity value of a species or ecosystem as a result of active environmental management. The impact value published on the BSI website is the value that we calculate the project creates through its activities.


What is the disclaimer on the biodiversity valuator and reports?

The copyright in the reports belongs to Endangered Wildlife OÜ (hereinafter ‘EW’). All reports are produced by EW’s valuation department. The reports are based upon information available to the general public. The information contained within has been compiled from sources deemed to be suitably reliable. However, no guarantee to that effect is given and henceforth neither the accuracy, completeness, nor the timeliness of this information should be relied upon. Any opinions expressed herein reflect a professional judgment of environmental and market conditions as at the date of publication of this document and are therefore subject to change without prior notice.


The reports are not intended for public distribution and may not be reproduced, redistributed or published in any form whatsoever (in whole or in part) without prior written permission of EW. The user shall be liable for any non-authorised reproduction or use of the reports, whether in whole or in part, and such reproduction may lead to legal proceedings. EW does not accept any liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect. This information may not be used to create any financial instruments or products or any indices.


Neither EW nor its directors nor its contractors nor its representatives nor its employees will accept liability for any injuries, losses or damages, direct or consequential, caused to the reader that may result from the reader’s acting upon or using the content contained in the publication. The reports are supplied to selected parties and should not be used or relied upon by anyone else and we accept no duty of care to any other person or entity. Users of the reports should not refer to or use the EW or Biodiversity Solutions International name or the advice in the reports for any purpose without expressed permission.


The analyst(s) of the reports hereby confirm that the views expressed in the reports accurately reflect their personal views about the species covered at the time of publication. The authors further confirm that they have not been, nor are nor will be receiving direct or indirect compensation in exchange for expressing any of the views contained in the reports.


EW is not advising nor soliciting any action based upon the reports. The reports do not constitute independent investment advice. EW does not assume any fiduciary responsibility or liability for any consequence, financial or otherwise, arising from any investment or disinvestment decision taken on the basis of this report. Investors should independently and carefully evaluate every particular investment relating to the species valued in the reports and seek the advice of a financial adviser if needed.


The analysis contained in the research reports is based on numerous assumptions; different assumptions could result in materially different results. Any valuations, projections and forecasts contained in the reports are based on a number of assumptions and estimates and are subject to contingencies and uncertainties. The inclusion of any such valuations, projections and forecasts in the reports should not be regarded as a representation or warranty by or on behalf of EW or any person within EW that such valuations, projections and forecasts or their underlying assumptions and estimates will be met or realised. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future outcomes.


The valuations have been derived from a combination of environmental and economic calculations. Due to missing data points, some of the historic population data may be estimated using population simulations. For more detailed information about the valuation methods please contact the valuation department.


What biodiversity projects do we list on our platform?

EW’s objective for species of conservation concern is to assist in the prevention of extinction due to anthropogenic causes of any of the species on the IUCN’s Red List. Before listing a project on our platform, a vetting process that includes both environmental and governance due diligence is carried out.


EW endeavours to establish conservation efforts of other threatened species or lower taxonomic divisions, including considering recommendations of experts of invertebrate taxa for which no formal red listing has been done, according to a realistic framework. Except in crucial instances for the survival of globally critically endangered species, management for system integrity and biodiversity must take precedence over species management. Projects will be evaluated on criteria that will include, but are not exclusive to:


  • Species rarity and/or population vulnerability, according to red listing;

  • Species role in ecosystem – is it a keystone species;

  • The broader regional biodiversity goals and conservation needs – extent of occurrence;

  • Project contribution to natural functioning and long-term persistence of ecosystems – relative endemicity;

  • Project contribution to the representativeness of biodiversity that promotes resilience and ecosystem integrity;

  • Project intervention in ecosystems responsibly and sustainably by complementing natural processes with a minimum interference approach or philosophy;

  • Species’ taxonomic distinctiveness;

  • Genetic threats to species – inbreeding and/or hybridisation;

  • Species’ susceptibility to illegal harvesting;

  • Project contribution to meta-population management of species of conservation concern;

  • Nature of threat and chance of success (reversibility) of the project;

  • Success of project’s historical conservation efforts potentially having a negative effect on other species or biodiversity elements;

  • Project management plan;

  • Project adherence to National and International applicable legislation of the country/countries the project operates in.


Another question?

If you have any other questions, please contact us.



Value All Life

Contact Us

Please feel free to submit the form or to email us if you have any questions or proposals – or simply to share your thoughts on Biodiversity with us.


Juhkentali tn 8

10132 Tallinn



+33 610 045 716



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Copyright by Endangered Wildlife OÜ (2025). All rights reserved.

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